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Desume | Resume Builder For Developers

itsme-shivamkumar's github profile

Desume Editor is a reactjs-based web app that allows developers to edit their resumes with ease. With Desume Editor, developers can create or modify resumes with html and css directly in the app.

ZORIN Search Page

dev-AshishRanjan's github profile

This is a wbesite is a modified version of ZORIN Browser Homepage. This website uses NeuMorphism with Light and Dark theme in System Mode. It also gives Weather Update

Water Quality Prediction

Harshu467's github profile

This project is based on the prediction of water quality using machine learning algorithms.

Fitness Center

Roshnijeewani3457's github profile

This is a fitness center website. It is used to provide information and resources to help individuals improve their physical health and wellbeing.


anirudhsalaria's github profile

Using TextGo you can perform multiple operations on your text.


akshaysoni10's github profile

A social media MERN stack project in which a user can sign in and after then can create their own posts and also likes & comments on other posts.

Super Chat

ighoshsubho's github profile

A realtime chat app built using react and firebase!

Cloud Reminder

ighoshsubho's github profile

A reminder app that reminds you about particular task via mail and phone number.

Flashcards App

ashishsurya's github profile

Flashcards app which is used for storing deck of flashcards for storing question and answers for academic purpose

CodePen Clone

BhumicaPG's github profile

CodePen is an online community for testing and showcasing user-created HTML, CSS and JavaScript code snippets. It functions as an online code editor and open-source learning environment, where developers can create code snippets, called pens and test them.